Click on the Click here to open the exam link provided in the email from The College.
Click "Log In For Your Exam Here" at the bottom of the screen.
Have your Proctor enter the Username and Password provided in the email from The College and click enter.
To begin the exam, click on the link to the appropriate exam listed under Online Assessments.
Before starting the exam:
Please verify that the student's last name appears correctly within the User ID box.
During the exam:
The student may not use his or her textbook, course notes, or receive help from a proctor or any other outside source.
Students must complete the 35-questions multiple-choice exam within the 35-minutes time frame allotted for the exam.
Students must not stop the session and then return to it. This is especially important in the online environment where the system will "time-out" and not allow the student or you to reenter the exam site.
Consequences of Rule Violations
If you violate the online proctoring rules and receive an UNSATISFACTORY status, you automatically receive a score of 0 for the exam. For most courses, you are no longer eligible for academic credit.
If you have any questions, please contact S.G INFOTECH at 262627 | 9435300000 | 8822233388 or email INFO@SGINFOTECH.CO.IN | SGINFOTECH.ASSAM@GMAIL.COM
I read all INSTRUCTIONS AND CRITERIA of Online Exam and I agree with it.